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Health Now! Update - May 8, 2002


The House recently passed a $1 billion revenue package and they are currently debating the budget. Now is the time to call you Representative and urge them to make MassHealth and Tobacco Control priorities. If MassHealth and Tobacco Control programs do not receive restored funding, it would result in the elimination of health coverage for over 50,000 low-income children and adults and undermine the services to many more. Cuts in tobacco control would result in severe reductions in all program areas: media camapaign, research initiatives, outreach, cessation initiatives,

For more detailed information on:
  • MassHealth cuts - Please visit the MassHealth Defense Group.
  • Tobacco Control cuts - Please visit the American Cancer Society.

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  • Special interest of the participants and visitors of the Exhibition is expected to be attracted to the display of diagnostic and health-improving methods and techniques based on application of nanotechnologies and genetic engineering as well as to stands demonstrating methods of assessment of genome toxicity and harmlessness and safety of using nanomaterials and nanopreparations in living systems.

    The and its Exhibition take place under the auspices of Governor of Saint Petersburg V. I. Matvienko and Government committees of Saint Petersburg, with active involvement of of the RF, the Federal agency for science and innovation of the RF. The program of the Exhibition includes meetings of representatives of governmental and international scientific organizations, representatives of the Federal agency for science and innovation (Rosnauka), RAMS, RAS, directors of the leading medical-biological scientific-research institutes and medical institutions.

    The work of the Exhibition of the will be widely covered by mass media of the RF and other countries and a press-conference will be held on 3 July 2008 with participation of the exhibitors and committees of the

    By participating in the Exhibition of the Second Saint Petersburg international ecological forum “Environment and human health” you will be able to establish necessary contacts, to find customers or investors, producers or distributors, to expand sales markets, to find profitable suppliers and prospective clients, to conclude partnership contracts, to establish or strengthen contacts with representatives of state administration structures and representatives of federal, regional and local administrating authorities.


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